With “Becoming an international benchmark enterprise for sustainability & Actively promoting a better future for future generations” as its sustainability vision, Yuanta FHC responds to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by incorporating environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) concepts into our corporate culture and business strategies and integrates internal and external resources of the group with the aim of providing appropriate returns for all stakeholders. Yuanta is continuously improving and innovating to become a leading force for social and environmental change, actively promoting a better future for future generations.
Yuanta also takes the risks, opportunities, and challenges of climate and social change seriously and uses sustainability performance indicators as the standard for corporate development and customer communication. We focus on long-term planning, systematic and effective actions, and invest in financial products and services that have a positive impact on society and the environment, and publicly disclose our goals and progress to demonstrate our commitment to sustainability.
Yuanta has set specific medium- and long-terms targets in response to the commitment and has invested in many projects based on our commitment and targets, regularly reviewing the progress achieved and revising the steps for implementation on a rolling basis to gradually achieve the commitment to sustainability.

Yuanta considers investment in volunteer work the foundation of its engagement with society and the driving force behind our charitable platform. We reach out in five major directions to bring to bear the collective abilities of the Group, contributing to both large and small communities to support societal development and promote prosperity shared between both the Yuanta and society.
Yuanta Foundation 2022 Expenditures

元大金控於 2011 年成立之「CSR 工作推動中心」,依據 CSR政策之執行方針及利害關係人所關注的議題,在推動中心下組成 8 大功能性小組,涵蓋事務、公司治理、員工關懷、環境永續、公平競爭、社會參與、客戶關懷及投資人關係,各小組皆有主要推動單位依職掌事項執行相關工作。 元大金控于 2011 年成立之「CSR 工作推动中心」,依据 CSR政策之执行方针及利害关系人所关注的议题,在推动中心下组成 8 大功能性小组,涵盖事务、公司治理、员工关怀、环境永续、公平竞争、社会参与、客户关怀及投资人关系,各小组皆有主要推动单位依职掌事项执行相关工作。 Yuanta Financial Holding Company (FHC) established the Center for the Promotion of Corporate Social Responsibility in 2011 and officially changed its name to the Corporate Sustainability Office in March 2022, which is Yuanta FHC’s dedicated unit to promote sustainable development. Based on the “2021-2025 Group Sustainable Development Roadmap” and stakeholders’ issues of concerns, the Corporate Sustainability Office has formed six functional groups covering corporate governance, sustainable finance, customer care, employee care, environmental sustainability, and community engagement. Each group is composed of cross-departmental and cross-subsidiary senior executives and members to perform related tasks according to their responsibilities.
本中心之正副召集人皆由元大金控董事長派任,負責督導 CSR相關專案之執行進度,工作會議規定每半年至少定期召開 1 次,並得視需要召開臨時會議,定期追蹤各項專案的執行情形及確保執行品質;而推動單位因實務運作所應制訂之 CSR 相關規定皆呈報總經理核定;且每年定期向董事會報告各項 CSR 相關制度的制訂情形及實施成效,相關規則修正組織異動皆須通過董事會核准,以有效管理及落實本公司之 CSR 政策。 本中心之正副召集人皆由元大金控董事长派任,负责督导CSR相关专案之执行进度,工作会议规定每半年至少定期召开1 次,并得视需要召开临时会议,定期追踪各项专案的执行情形及确保执行品质;而推动单位因实务运作所应制订之CSR 相关规定皆呈报总经理核定;且每年定期向董事会报告各项CSR 相关制度的制订情形及实施成效,相关规则修正组织异动皆须通过董事会核准,以有效管理及落实本公司之CSR 政策。 The chief executive officer of the Corporate Sustainability Office (CSO) is appointed by the Sustainable Development Committee to oversee the progress of ESG projects. The CSO holds quarterly working meetings to track the implementation of each project and ensure the quality of implementation, and regularly reports to the Sustainable Development Committee on the effectiveness of ESG projects. The CSO reports to the board of directors twice a year, and all relevant rule amendments and organizational changes must be approved by the board of directors in order to effectively manage and implement the Yuanta FHC’s sustainable development policy.
With the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as its blueprint, Yuanta has integrated environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) concepts into our corporate culture and operational strategies, integrated internal and external resources, and striven to provide appropriate returns for all stakeholders. Our mission is to continuously improve and innovate, to become a leading force for social and environmental change, and to actively promote a better future for future generations.
We focus on long-term planning, systematic and effective actions, and invest in financial products and services that have a positive impact on society and the environment, and publicly disclose our goals and progress to demonstrate our commitment to sustainability. Yuanta Financial Holdings has set specific medium- and long-term goals for its commitments, and has invested in many projects in accordance with its commitments and goals, regularly reviewing the status of achievement and revisiting the pace of implementation on a rolling basis to gradually achieve sustainable commitments.