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Environmental Initiatives
Establishing ISO Standard Systems Related to Environmental Management

In order to reduce the impact of its operations on the environment and to promote and manage environmental issues within the Yuanta Group in a more systematic manner, Yuanta FHC has formed an “Environmental Sustainability Group” through the administrative departments of Yuanta FHC and subsidiaries to develop environmental management systems (including relevant environmental protection and management measures pertaining to water conservation, energy saving, GHG reduction, etc.), purchase low energy-consuming office supplies and equipment, properly manage waste, implement supply chain management, and increase green procurement.

The “Environmental Sustainability Group” promotes the Yuanta Group’s implementation of the four major ISO standard systems. Since 2015, Yuanta FHC has started to implement the ISO 14001 environmental management systems to establish an environmental management framework, and to formulate environmental policies, plan environmental improvement goals and targets, and propose continuous management improvement programs.

In addition, the Yuanta Group has been implementing ISO 14064-1 GHG emissions inventory, ISO 50001 energy management systems, and ISO 14046 water footprint inventory in accordance with the ISO 14001 environmental management system framework, and has been effectively executing carbon reduction, energy saving, water conservation, and business waste control to improve the overall environmental management efficiency.

Verification Status of the Four Major ISO Management Systems
Yuanta FHC and all its subsidiaries
ISO 14001
Environmental Management systems (incl. waste)
ISO 14064-1
Greenhouse Gas(GHG) Organization Verifier (incl. waste)
V (Including 330 business locations)
ISO 14046
Water Footprint
V (Including 330 business locations)
ISO 50001
Energy Management System
V (All Yuanta Group-owned buildings have been verified)
ISO 14001
Environmental Management systems (incl. waste)
ISO 14064-1
Greenhouse Gas(GHG) Organization Verifier (incl. waste)
ISO 14046
Water Footprint
ISO 50001
Energy Management System
ISO 14001
Environmental Management systems (incl. waste)
ISO 14064-1
Greenhouse Gas(GHG) Organization Verifier (incl. waste)
ISO 14046
Water Footprint
ISO 50001
Energy Management System

In January 2016, we became an investor signatory of the “CDP Climate Change, Water and Forests Project”. Since then, every year we have responded to the questionnaire to assess the risks and opportunities brought by climate change, reviewed the organization’s climate governance and risk management, and implemented various energy-saving and carbon-reducing actions and green financial services to reduce the impact of our operations on the environment. We also hope that we can lead other enterprises to join the global trend toward low carbon, be in line with international standards, as well as enhance our climate resilience.

In the 2023 CDP Climate Change Questionnaire, our Company achieved high scores in GHG emissions, emission reduction activities, risk disclosure, value chain engagement, and climate risk assessment of investment and financing portfolios, and was ranked “Leadership Level score of A”, which is the highest CDP rating, for 4 consecutive years. Additionally, in Supplier Engagement Ratings, the Group has received “leader rating” for 5 consecutive years as of 2023.

Category 1 and 2 carbon reduction targets (Note)
(Base year is 2017)
Short-term Targets
  • 4% reduction in carbon emissions per unit of revenue for Category 1 and 2 in 2021 compared to the base year
  • 3% reduction in energy consumption in 2021 compared to the base year
Medium-term Targets
  • 6% reduction in carbon emissions per unit of revenue for Category 1 and 2 in 2023 compared to the base year
  • 5% reduction in energy consumption in 2023 compared to the base year
Long-term Targets
  • 8% reduction in carbon emissions per unit of revenue in 2025 for Category 1 and 2 compared to the base year
  • 7% reduction in energy consumption in 2025 compared to the base year

Supplier sustainable procurement

Short-term Targets
  • Major supplier risk assessment
  • 80% self-assessment questionnaire response rate
  • Annual evaluation of major suppliers
  • Reducing the proportion of Grade C suppliers to 5%
  • Enhancing communication and counseling with Grade C suppliers
Medium-term Targets
  • Major supplier risk assessment
  • 95% self-assessment questionnaire response rate
  • Annual evaluation of major suppliers
  • Decreasing the proportion of Grade C suppliers year by year
  • Removing Grade C suppliers from preferred supplier list for procurement negotiations
Long-term Targets
  • Major supplier risk assessment
  • 100% self-assessment questionnaire response rate
  • Annual evaluation of major suppliers
  • Putting Grade C suppliers on list of suppliers not to do business with

Waste reduction
(Base year is 2019)

Short-term Targets 1% reduction in weight of waste per capita in 2021 compared to base year
Medium-term Targets 2% reduction in weight of waste per capita in 2023 compared to base year
Long-term Targets 3% reduction in weight of waste per capita in 2025 compared to base year

Water consumption reduction
(Base year is 2019)

Short-term Targets 1% reduction in water consumption per square meter in 2021 compared to the base year
Medium-term Targets 2.5% reduction in water consumption per square meter in 2023 compared to the base year
Long-term Targets 4% reduction in water consumption per square meter in 2025 compared to the base year

Response to the use of renewable energy

Short-term Targets
  • 100% green power for 2 business locations in 2021
  • The proportion of green power usage increases by 2% year by year
Medium-term Targets
  • 100% green power for at least 4 business locations in 2023
  • Cumulative green power usage target reaches 1.5 million kWh
Long-term Targets Cumulative green power usage target reaches 2.7 million kWh, accounting for 2% of total energy usage

Green building certification for owned building construction

Short-term Targets 1 green building certification in 2021
Medium-term Targets 2 green building certifications by 2023
Long-term Targets Green building certification for all new buildings by 2025

  1. From 2019 onwards, it is based on the new ISO 14064-1:2018 for GHG inventory, the new and old versions of the corresponding names: Category 1 for Scope 1 (direct GHG emissions), Category 2 for Scope 2 (indirect GHG emissions from input energy), Category 3 ~ 6 for Scope 3 (other indirect GHG emissions).
  2. We control the Group-wide carbon emission target through the SBT methodology, and will conduct a review every 5 years and refine our carbon reduction efforts.
Water Resources and Waste Management

The Yuanta Group is in the financial services industry and does not produce a large amount of general or hazardous waste and does not consume excessive water resources in its operations. However, we still aim to improve our environmental management with the goal of continuously reducing our environmental impact.

1. Water Resources Management

We care about and value water resources and reduce water consumption by installing water-saving devices and promoting water conservation. In 2023, we continued to introduce the ISO 14046 Water Footprint Certification to cover a total of 330 business locations of the Company and its subsidiaries, with a coverage rate of 100% to understand the environmental impact of water consumption caused by the operation process, and to implement data management and target setting as a comprehensive evaluation indicator for internal measurement of water resources use.

Yuanta Group Water Usage by Year
Water Usage (million liters)
2020 194.44
2021 172.67
2022 167.04
2023 165.29

Water Intensity (liters/m2)

2020 680.91
2021 637.20
2022 636.27
2023 629.60

Data Coverage Rate (%)

2020 100
2021 100
2022 100
2023 100
2. Waste Management

In order to achieve environmental friendliness, we have adopted the 3R management measures of reduce, reuse, and recycle to reduce waste generation at the source. Over the years, we have continued to promote a waste reduction and recycling system that manages waste according to general waste, recyclable, food waste, etc., and there is no hazardous waste. Starting from 2019, the Yuanta Group has been carrying out full-scale weighing of waste to implement data management and strive for waste reduction, and has been compiling annual statistics on the Yuanta Group’s waste disposal situation, with a 100% coverage rate in 2023.

The Group's waste is mainly general household waste and no hazardous waste is generated. All waste is disposed of by outside contractors. We carefully select qualified waste removal companies to ensure cautious and legal disposal of waste and that it does not cause secondary impact on the environment. General waste is transported to incineration plants, while recyclable waste and food waste are processed by recyclers. When offering services, a large amount of paper is used. Confidential documents are destroyed in accordance with the key points of the Personal Data Protection Act and related regulations. We entrust qualified manufacturers to use safe and environmentally friendly water destruction treatment to ensure that information does not leak out. We also keep the certificate of destruction and allow the waste paper to be made into recycled paper, thereby reducing waste.

Paper waste is the largest source of waste in the service process. However, all confidential documents are destroyed in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act and related laws and regulations, and a qualified vendor is entrusted with a safe, fast, and environmentally friendly water-disposal process to ensure that information does not leak out and proof of destruction is retained. The process also allows waste paper to be recycled into recycled paper for reuse, thus achieving a real waste reduction.

Waste Reduction Action

The Company and its subsidiaries are committed to sustainable environmental development and have been actively responding to Taipei City's policy of banning disposable and melamine tableware in order to reduce waste generation, and have been commended by the Taipei City Government since 2018. We have promoted specific waste reduction measures among our staff and implemented them in our offices, including: not providing water in plastic cups or bottle water during meetings, and not using disposable and melamine tableware if meals are served. We have installed water dispensers and encourage employees to bring their own reusable cups. We have purchased equipment such as boxed lunch steamers and microwave ovens to encourage employees to bring their own meals and tableware. We have set up separate garbage bins for recycling, weigh the volume of garbage, and monitor garbage and waste reduction targets on each floor.

Group Waste Generated by Year
General Waste
Incineration-Without Energy Recovery (Metric Ton)
2020 -
2021 -
2022 -
2023 -
General Waste
Incineration-With Energy Recovery (Metric Ton)
2020 452.32
2021 407.45
2022 398.00
2023 368.62
General Waste
Landfilling(Metric Ton)
2020 -
2021 -
2022 -
2023 -
General Waste
Other(Metric Ton)
2020 -
2021 -
2022 -
2023 -
General Waste
Subtotal(Metric Ton)
2020 452.32
2021 407.45
2022 398.00
2023 368.62
Recyclable Waste(Metric Ton)
2020 239.51
2021 253.73
2022 253.70
2023 247.46
Total Volume(Metric Ton)
2020 691.83
2021 661.18
2022 651.70
2023 616.08
Waste per Person (kg/person)
2020 63.22
2021 59.88
2022 57.91
2023 53.46

Data Coverage Rate(%)

2020 100
2021 100
2022 100
2023 100
Note: from 2020 onwards, the inventory has been expanded to cover all business locations of Yuanta FHC and its subsidiaries.